Enough about me

Kathryn Bise

Kathryn Bise is a writer and former nonprofit professional, living in the Outer Banks of North Carolina.

Dance, choreography and training emerging dancers was my feisty first love. Studio sweat. And 5-6-7-8, the empowering cadence of  a shared rhythm between like-minded artists.

Writing was the marrow that filled my birth bones. It comforted me as a child and anchored me through the squalls of young adulthood.

It landed me in a nonprofit career within bi-coastal cities, working with wildly creative, visionary colleagues to raise money from amazing donors. For nearly three decades.

My fund development work required a good deal of writing to capture stories that move the human heart to give, and generously. Lucky, grateful me. (Click here for my career journey.)

And yet. When latitude meets longitude you get your sea legs. Today, it’s a whole new ocean. 

Purpose | to help others seek a more inspired life.